HIMALAJE MARCINA (polish vesion)
Marcin’s Himalaya
We want to help Marcin make his dreams !
In Marcin’s case, the illness interferes the movement in both arms and legs. He often suffers form pain, numbness in the limbs and other symptoms that weaken the muscles and lead to their breakdown.
It all started in 2010. Marcin was 10 at the time his illness started to show first symptoms. After numerous tests it came out Marcin suffers from Sensory Polyneuropathy. In Marcin’s case, the illness interferes the movement in both arms and legs. He often suffers form pain, numbness in the limbs and other symptoms that weaken the muscles and lead to their breakdown and waste. He suffers from increased tiredness as well, not only after effort. The illness led to feet deformation as well. In 2013 and 2014 Marcin had a surgery of his left ankle and went through a few months of rehabilitation. Several times he was in the hospital and sanatorium. Right now, he get around on a wheelchair or with crutches. When he feels better he is able to walk alone, but only on short distances. He experiences problems with writing by hand- so he only uses a computer. Marcin has always been a very active child- he used to play soccer, ride a bike or roller skates. Because of his illness, he had to gave up some of his hobbies, and alternate other to fit his condition.
Marcin is very ambitious and independent what shows even in the small things- he unscrewed the handles off it, because he doesn’t want anyone to push him. He exercises every day by himself, and uses the gym and rehabilitation twice a week. That delays the development of the illness. Marcin is especially fond of mountains- it’s his biggest passion. Along with his that and the Asiatica foundation he managed to reach Diablak. His biggest dream, however, is to go on a trekking to Annapurna, Nepal.
The Dream
Marcin would easily manage to trek all the way to Poon Hill if his condition was as good as it was during the hike on Diablak. We want to help Marcin make his dreams about travelling and meeting different cultures come true; We want to show him Himalayas, we want him to dive into the culture of Nepal, and experience an unforgettable adventure!
Marcin’s Himalayas!
What we want achieve
We want to make Marcin’s dream come true! We want to show him the beauty of the Himalayas. We will collect the funds and organize the trip, which will show him his beloved mountains. We will show him Nepal, it’s culture and landmarks. We want to prove that every dream can come true.
How are we going to do it
Organizing such journey is not easy. We have to consider every possibility, because Marcin’s safety is the priority. There are a lot of our friends in Nepal who are willing to offer their professional help in organizing this whole endeavor.
Is this possible?
Marcin’s illness is very serious and every effort is a challenge. He knows how hard it will be and that’s why he’s regularly exercising, to keep his form. We’re sure he can do it!
What’s the plan?
Marcin has to prepare for such travel. It is a whole workout plan, that can last for months. Besides that, he will be taking part in various mountain trips to check his form and condition. In the meantime we will keep collecting funds, equipment and make sure everything is well organized. Our goal is to begin the journey in march 2018, however it all depends on Marcin’s health.
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How can you help?
- Marcin’s Himalayas are funded out of support and kindness of all the people that believe everything is possible
- You can help the project with a donation, to help Marcin’s dream come true
- Account number:
- IBAN : PL 97160014621027711900000003
You can help the project with a donation, to help Marcin’s dream come true
Special account number :
BGŻ BNP Paribas
IBAN : PL 97160014621027711900000003
Marcin’s blog